No More Running:
No More Running podcast, the podcast for women who find themselves running mentally, emotionally, spiritually, or even running physically from things in this life. For women who refuse to stay in the hurt and who refuse to keep running. And if you are ready to go from running to no more running then this podcast is for you. Let’s do this together!
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No More Running:
#18 Fight for what God wants in your life.
Are you fighting for your dreams, what you really want or what God wants for your life or are you still trying to tie your running shoes? This episode encourages you to fight for what God wants in your life, fight for what you want in your life-No More Running-from it, because well it’s just too darn hard or out of your reach or in your mind it’s not possible or it’s not possible in someone’s reach because you don’t have their permission for it.
Crystal gives you three steps to help you fight for it.
1st step: Ask- start with Asking God, “God what is it that you want me to do in this life?” We can go to God; God’s word tells us that we can approach God with freedom and confidence.
2nd step: Ask-yourself what you really want. Decide what is it that you really want. Make a list before God then ask God which of these do you want me to do? Baby steps to get there. Know this, believe this, other women are watching you, if she can do it then I too can do it. Work hard each day to get it.
3rd step: Are you done running from what you want, from what God wants for your life? We must surrender in our life before we can fight for what we want and what God wants for our life. We must get to this point of surrender to God, God's will and God's purpose for our life. Seek: Seek first his kingdom, Matt. 6:33. Seek-attempt or desire to obtain or achieve (something) Ask yourself what you want. You have not because you ask not. Ask God to place his desires in your life and help you fulfill those desires. Decide what it is that you want, that you really want. Then take those baby steps to get it done sister.
I pray your efforts will be fruitful. Go, Fight, Win!!! Love ya friend
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Have you ever found yourself running? Running mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially and even running physically from things in this life. This is no More Running. The podcast for women. Hello, I'm your host, Crystal Loyd, and I've been known to run and still find myself running from the things in this life. Running from God, His calling, his purpose for my life. Running from change that's within my control, that needs to be made, or any type of change. Running from horror or even good or even just simple little things in this life. And God said to me Crystal, if you will stop running and surrender, there are things that we can accomplish together. Maybe you find yourself running as I have. I want you to know that you're not alone. Let's go from running to no More Running together. Let's get started with prayer, holy Spirit, we invite you to be a part of the podcast, the lessons, the life coaching and the sharing of our stories. Let it be known today that you are God. God, help us to go from running in this life, from whatever it may be that we're running from, from running to no More Running in Jesus' name.
Speaker 1:In today's episode, our topic is fight for it. Fight for what you want, fight for what God wants in your life. No more running from it because, well, it's just too darn hard or out of your reach, or in your mind it's not even possible, or it's not possible in someone else's reach. Fight for what you want. Fight for what God wants in your life. But maybe you're like well, crystal, I don't really know what I want. I want to do this, I want to do that, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I get it, I'm there, I'm there, I'm there, I want to do this, I want to do this, I want to do that, I want to do this. But I want to give you some things, a few steps that will help you know what you want, what you really really, really want.
Speaker 1:So step one in this process of fighting for what you want is, first, let's start by asking God. Ask step one ask God what is it that you want to do with my life? What is it that you have set apart for me in my life to do for your kingdom? What have you uniquely set apart for me to do? What is your purpose, what is your plans? And I want you to know that you can go to God, because God's word tells us that we can approach God with freedom and confidence. So ask God what is it that you want me to do? And then ask God to place his desires, his purpose and plan for you in your heart and then ask him to help you to fulfill those plans. Maybe, just maybe, some of those desires that you have on your heart is God. He's placed those desires for you to fulfill those desires. And so let's start by asking God what is it that you want? More that you set me apart even before I was born for that God, and then place them in my heart. Help me to fulfill those desires, which ultimately, will be God's desires and how he wants to work through you. So what is it? What is it, god, that you want me to do? Place those desires, because that's what I really, really want to do is fulfill those desires.
Speaker 1:And then number two is ask yourself what you want. Okay. So you ask God what do you want? And then I want you to ask yourself what is it that I want? Do I really want to fulfill God's purpose and plan for my life? I know that there is a time in my life that God had asked me to do things and I said no and I ran from it. But now, now I'm to the point where I have surrendered and I've said God, no more running. I want what you want because, ultimately, you know what's best for me, you know what's best for my life, and I want to help women. And so that's how the podcast got started. I wanted to help women to. You know, go from running to no more running. So decide what it is that you want, you know.
Speaker 1:Make that list before God and be like, oh God, this is the list that I think I really, really want, and then ask God okay, which of these do you want me to fulfill? Which of these do you want me to do, god? Do you want to start your own podcast or YouTube channel reaching women? Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to gain weight? Yes, some people want to gain weight instead of losing. I'm not there. I need to lose a few pounds. Do you want to be stronger physically, to build muscle? Do what it takes to get there. Do you want to exercise more? Do what it takes to get there. Maybe it just starts with baby steps to get it done, but I think first we've got to ask God, then, second, you've got to ask yourself and you've got to make that list of what you really, really, really want. So make that list and then do the work that it will take to get there.
Speaker 1:If you want to grow emotionally, want to grow mentally, do the work, get the training, go to that counselor or that life coach Me, me, me, me, me, me. And then some of you are like I'm not so sure yet about your life coaching. That's okay, just wait, just keep listening, just keep trusting me, because I'm growing, because you know why. I'm putting in the work to grow as a live, as a podcast or a host to a podcast. I'm growing, I'm putting in the work and I will get there. This time next year I will be even better at being a host, bringing messages on the podcast. I'm excited for it because I know this is what I want and I know this is what God wants of me as well, and I'm going to put in the work. I'm going to keep doing the work that needs to be done. Okay, then. Okay, maybe you say I want to grow spiritually.
Speaker 1:Then get your Bible off the shelf, off the coffee table. Do we still have coffee tables? I don't know, but off your desk when have it sat, that's been sitting there for so long and dust it off and get it out, get it in your hands and start reading it. I love to have my physical Bible, and the reason that I love to have my physical Bible is I write notes and I write prayers in my Bible, and someday I hope that my children and my grandchildren pick up my Bibles. I've got several that I write in. I write in all of them, really, but there's a couple that I use more than others, and I hope that they can pick up those physical Bibles and they can see my prayers for them and how I was studying God's Word, and even my notes while I'm in church. You know whatever, but I encourage you to get that physical Bible in your hands, write in it it's okay to write in your Bible, ladies, it's okay I encourage it and then write out your prayer in it. So, then, but also I do want you to know this that also, I have the Bible on my phone as well, so I have the Holy Bible app. I also have Logos Bible app, and it's where I can pull up the Bible and read, and then Logos is Greek for the word. It means the word. I also have the word on my phone as well Logos Bible app. Check it out.
Speaker 1:So if your church doesn't offer Bible study, maybe you've not been able to grow spiritually because your church doesn't offer Bible study. But you know, start with just reading it, just doing simple baby steps. Let me tell you this, okay, so when me and my husband first got married, I didn't read very well. I still don't read very well. I don't comprehend things. When I'm reading very well, I have to read it and then read it again and then read it again, and so then sometimes I get so frustrated and then I give up.
Speaker 1:But when we first got married and he is a reader I mean he would read all the time. When he was younger I never read because I didn't read well and he had all these comic books he would read and all these books he would read. And he got me to reading and he would. First he started reading to me because I didn't read well, and he would be like, crystal, let me read this to you, this is so good. And then he would teach me the Bible by just reading me the Bible, or you know, whatever he was reading, he was teaching me with. So I love, I love that and he'll still do that. But what's so funny is now. So I picked up the love of reading from my husband. We would go to bookstores. He would get a book or two, and so I started buying me books. And so now I love reading and I'm always reading and I'm always learning and I love that. I picked that up for my husband.
Speaker 1:So you know, just start reading it, just simple. Maybe you don't understand it. Don't use to try and read chapters and chapters and chapters. Just take a small section and read it and you know, do that. Don't get overwhelmed with growing spiritually or Don't get overwhelmed by reading God's Word. Just take baby steps. And then I mentioned Bible studies. The next step maybe you join a ladies Bible study group and if your church doesn't offer that, you know, find a church that does offer that. You don't have to leave your regular church to just join a ladies Bible study that maybe one of your friends or your co-workers church is offering. Do that, go there.
Speaker 1:And what I'm saying is, if you want to grow in this area and this is what you really want, then you're going to have to put in the work, just like any other relationship. You have to put in the work, you have to fight for it. So I encourage you to fight for this If this is something that you really, really want, and then hopefully, as a Christian, we do want to grow in our knowledge, in our wisdom, in our relationship with God. So, and then the next step is if you want to have a great marriage, you guessed it I would say put in the work, make an effort, wives. We can't just leave the romance part to our husband, the work to our husbands, which I did for years and I still struggle with this and then would get mad when my husband did not meet my expectations for it. Do it yourself. You can pursue your husband, you can flirt with your husband and, yes, you can want sex. To give yourself permission, wives, you have God's permission. I can talk more about this on another podcast if I get the courage to do it. But if I want to do it, then I need to do the work, to do the podcast, to get it out, while my husband is saying, when he edits this one yes, yes, do this work, do this podcast, let's see if he leaves this part in ladies. You'll have to let me know If he leaves this part in. We women can enjoy sex too in our marriage.
Speaker 1:You know from a part of my story that I've been hurt. I've been hurt and abused sexually, and so this area in my life has been extremely hard for me and this is another podcast as well, and you don't. If you've never been through that, I'm so glad, I'm so happy. But if you've been through that sexual abuse, you know that this part of my life, I'm so glad this part is a very hard in your marriage and this you may not be able to fight for it alone. You may have to reach out for help for that counselor, you know, maybe even if you feel comfortable talking to your pastor about this, or even your women's minister, you know, maybe it's your pastor, that's a woman that you know that can help you in this area. And then also, you know, in my wilder days as well, I've shared part of that with my story in this area. It's been hard for me in our marriage. It's hard for me to forgive myself of things that I did in my past. It's hard in my marriage. I'm in my 40s now and I'm just now giving myself permission to enjoy my relationship with my husband and enjoying sex with my husband.
Speaker 1:Let's take a quick break. I'm excited to tell you that I'm offering life coaching. If you're interested in coaching with me or want to learn more, run on over to my website, crystallloydcom that's Crystal with a C and Lloyd with 1L and sign up for a free 20-minute coaching session with me. Also, don't forget to join my email list. You can email me info at crystalloycom. Great way to help you to go from running to know more running, and I don't want you or me to feel guilty or ashamed because you do enjoy that part and you do want to fight for that part in your marriage. Okay, enough about this one. I really did not mean to spend that much time on that, but maybe one day I will get a podcast out there talking more about this. But you know what I'm saying. So if you want a great marriage relationship, you want a great sex life with your husband.
Speaker 1:Women, put in the work, fight for it, do what it takes. Then you go for it, fight for it. Okay, the next is maybe, maybe you want to have your own business? Then fight, work, your bottom off to get it. This is not a time to lay down. It's time to work really, really hard to make it happen.
Speaker 1:A few of my friends that wanted their own business and they have put in some hard, hard work to get it done. Ashley, my friend at Uptown Merch, she has put in some hard work to get her shop open. I mean, she had to fight for it. And then my friend Lasseter she's put in some hard work to have her own business. My sister-in-law, sheila, to have her own beauty shop. She put in some sweat and hard work into making that business come alive, come to life. And then also I have a young friend, brandi. I say young because she's younger than me and I remember when she was younger and and I remember when sweet Brandi was young, she wanted to do hair and makeup. She did the hard work to have that education, to get the training and the years of work to get what she wanted. And now each of these ladies, they have what they worked hard for. They have their own business retail shop, beauty salon, whatever it is.
Speaker 1:If you want to have your own business, do what it takes to get there. And I'm so proud of each of these ladies and I want you to know this, know this, believe this because it's true. Other women maybe it's your daughter, maybe it's your friends, your co-workers, your family members are watching and they are seeing what you are accomplishing and believing for themselves that if she can do it, then I can too. I mean, I watch women. I see, you know podcasters, other women doing podcasting and having their own business, and I want, I want that and I know that that's something that God wants for my life. So I'm trying to fight for it. I'm doing, I'm taking the steps to get it done, to have my own business.
Speaker 1:I can't wait till my business is thriving, cannot wait, but I'm until then, and even then I'm gonna put in the hard work and don't go here, ladies, because we do, don't go to the place in our mind and we all do this. I can't do this. This is just too hard for me. I'm not educated enough, I don't have enough knowledge to do it. This is not on my resume or in my experience, because Really, technically, I had no experience with podcasting. My experience for the past 12 years has been banking. I have started out as a tailor, I then moved to electronic banking and now I'm a credit analyst, administrative assistant. So I have no knowledge in podcasting, but I wanted it and I felt like this is the way that I could help women and I felt like this is what God would have me to do.
Speaker 1:So I'm working hard each day to figure it out and you know, from the day one till now, I've learned so much, but I know that I have so much more to learn, so much more to do, and I have to put in the work, I have to get the training to do it, to make it happen. And but if this is what you want, you want your own business, then get it done, sister, do what it takes. Okay, so I'm being that big bossy, big sister again. No, really, what I'm doing is I love you and I want your dreams to come true. I want them to come to life and to come to life and I'm being that good coach as a as a good coach should want that for you. So I want to live out God's purpose.
Speaker 1:I want to coach women to get what they want in this life. And if you're struggling with I don't know what I want, I don't know how to get there, I would love to coach with you and remember I'm offering a free 20 minute coaching session with me, and maybe this is what we talk about within that 20 minute coaching session and then maybe we move into more coaching with that. So you pray about that. If that's something you want, ask this from God and say is this something that I can do for myself? Of course God's going to be like, yes, do this. And and he may just be waiting on you to ask to take that next step. So it's up to you whether you will fight for it or not. You can do this.
Speaker 1:Let me say it again God wants your purpose in your life. He wants to fulfill those things in your life that he wants for your life, for his purpose, for his will, but he wants to do that for you. He wants your purpose and your profit to align as well. He will provide for your family through your purpose. He can do this.
Speaker 1:God is a big God. Don't put him in a ball, and I'm guilty of putting God in a ball. So we need to take God out of that ball and allow him to work in our hearts and in our lives and help us to get what we want. And ultimately, it's what God wants, because he's placed those desires in your heart. So, and I believe it. I believe that God can provide for your family through your purpose. And if I'm honest and I'm usually honest I'm ready for my purpose and my profit to align with and with Jesus. With God, I believe it can happen. So what am I doing? I'm putting in the work, but listen, okay, we are good at us ladies, us moms, us wives. We are good at praying about everything, for everybody else For our children, for our husbands, for our friends. Pray about what you want, what you feel God wants for your life. We can do this. We can again approach God with freedom and confidence. Do this and then he says Psalm 34 says delight yourself in the Lord. That's the key to delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Speaker 1:Do you remember the old cheer? Do you remember? Okay, go fight. When Some of you are thinking she needs to get out, she needs new friends, you know whatever. But when I was in grade school, I tried out for the cheerleading team. I did not make the cheer team, I made the basketball team. Yep, I didn't even try out for the basketball team, but once they heard me cheer, yeah, that was not pretty, but I'm so tall and they thought I would be great at playing basketball. So I tried it and this is grade school. So then I fell in love with basketball. I mean, it worked out.
Speaker 1:I looked back, I tried out in high school. I didn't even make the high school team, but I thought I wasn't good enough. All the girls were so good, they were so much better, they had put in the work. And I can look back and I can blame it on I had a rough childhood. I didn't have the summer that they had where they could train and go to camp, and I didn't have opportunities to go to basketball Things or so to be good at this, to be better at this. I mean I can blame, blame, blame, blame. I can't do this. This is why I can't do this. No, if we put in the work and and really do it and fight for it, we can get there. We can get there. I don't want you to give up. I want you to win.
Speaker 1:This podcast is over. I want you to believe it for yourself and be like yes, crystal, I'm going to go, god, and I'm going to say God, what is it that you want in my life? Because ultimately, that's what I want, lord. That's what I am. Number three are you done running from what you want? Are you really done running from what God won't? I mean you have to get to that point in your life because there is a time in my life, because of the hurt of my past and the hurt in the ministry, I was done. I was done, done, done with God and ministry and helping women and I mean I was angry. I didn't want what God, but I had to come to the point where I was done running and I wanted what God wanted in my life. I had to surrender. So that I'm at that point now where I'm like I surrender God, what is it that you want for my life? And I had to ask the Lord to forgive me because I wasted so much time running. Forgive me, god, because I wasted so much time running.
Speaker 1:But I believe once we surrender with all my heart because I know it for my life, is that God helped me to get the things that I really wanted. That God placed in my heart in the first place. So I want you to go after it, to fight for it, and listen here Matthew 6, 33 first seek his kingdom. So important to do that. Go to God first, ask him what he won't. And then, number two, ask yourself what you really really, really want. And then, number three, in this process of fighting for what you want, you have to be done running. You have to surrender, because if you're you're still running and you haven't surrendered, it's going to be very hard.
Speaker 1:You fight for what God wants in your life. Fight for what you really want in this life. And then I looked up the word seek, first his kingdom. So I looked up the word seek. Seek means to attempt or desire to obtain or achieve. So for you to get to that point where you want to obtain or achieve what God wants in your life and what God and what you want in your life, then you have to surrender.
Speaker 1:And then, once you surrender is, take those baby steps, any step, just put one foot in front of the other. I have prayed God. If, when I take a step and it's not right, god, make it right. Turn me around. If you have to Turn me towards your decisions, help me to run toward what you want. Now, lord, at first you will have to learn to walk like a child, but then, but then like a child, you will be running towards what you want in this life To have your own business, to write that book you've always wanted to write, to have that podcast, or the list can go on and on and on.
Speaker 1:But I encourage you to run towards what God wants. First, seek his kingdom and ask God to put his desires in your heart so that you can walk, you can skip, you can run towards the things of God and, as a Christian, I want that. That's what I really, really, really want now in my where. Before I was done, I was done, done, done, but now I'm surrendered, I'm open. Whatever it is, god, that you want to do in my life, I want to do it. Whatever you want to do through me, I want to do it.
Speaker 1:I want you, friend, to go from running to no more running from what God wants for you and what you want in this life. I want you to fight for it and I pray as you fight for it, as you ask God, and God reveals to you what he wants to do in your life. I pray that your effort will be fruitful. I hope that this has helped you and I hope that you fight for what you want. Fight for what you want. Fight for what God wants for you in your life. Until next time, hey, don't forget. You can sign up for the no More Running email list at info at CrystalLoycom and make sure to like, share and follow. We would love for you to leave a review for the podcast. This helps us reach even more women who might find themselves running as well. Gotta run.