No More Running:
No More Running podcast, the podcast for women who find themselves running mentally, emotionally, spiritually, or even running physically from things in this life. For women who refuse to stay in the hurt and who refuse to keep running. And if you are ready to go from running to no more running then this podcast is for you. Let’s do this together!
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No More Running:
#30 Life Beyond Binge Drinking, Embracing Sobriety and Faith with Chrystal Cuellar
When Chrystal Cuellar speaks, her words carry the weight of lived experience—a beacon of hope for anyone struggling with the grasp of alcohol. Her story, one of raw transformation and unwavering faith, shapes the core of our latest conversation. As an alcohol and accountability coach, Chrystal's mission is to guide women through the murky waters of binge drinking into a life of purpose and sobriety. Her own journey to freedom, deeply intertwined with her Christian faith, offers not just inspiration, but a tangible pathway for those seeking to reclaim their lives from addiction's hold.
Navigating the tumultuous journey to sobriety requires more than sheer willpower; it demands a heartfelt alignment of one's actions with their most profound beliefs and goals. In our heart-to-heart with Chrystal, we uncover the silent battles many face behind closed doors. Through her coaching, she offers a lifeline—grounded in Christ's teachings—by helping others build resilience, set boundaries, and create habits that nurture a sober mindset. Her approach is about transformation, not just abstinence, recognizing every individual's need for a personalized path to recovery.
As we wrap up our time with Chrystal, it's clear that her message isn't just about saying no to alcohol—it's an invitation to join a community dedicated to growth, accountability, and spiritual fulfillment.
You can connect with Chrystal through the links below. She is currently promoting the Made to Reign Membership or
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Have you ever found yourself running? Running mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially and even running physically from things in this life. This is no More Running. The podcast for women. Hello, I'm your host, crystal Lloyd, and I've been known to run and still find myself running from the things in this life. Running from God, His calling, his purpose for my life. Running from change that's within my control, that needs to be made, or any type of change. Running from hard or even good or even just simple little things in this life. And God said to me Crystal, if you will stop running and surrender, there are things that we can accomplish together. Maybe you find yourself running as I have. I want you to know that you're not alone. Let's go from running to no More Running together. Let's get started with prayer. Holy Spirit, we invite you to be a part of the podcast, the lessons, the life coaching and the sharing of our stories. Let it be known today that you are God. God, help us to go from running in this life, from whatever it may be that we're running from, from running to no More Running. In Jesus' name, good morning runners. I am so excited.
Speaker 2:Today is guest day, and you know how excited I get on guest days. I'm just like a kid in a candy store. I'm so excited for this, for you to meet this guest today and for 2024, I'm all about bringing you help so you can go from running in your struggle, whatever that struggle is, to no More Running and we will grow in 2024. I am believing for it. And today we have Crystal Quayar I wanted to get that right Crystal Quayar from San Antonio, texas, and now I've got a few friends from the podcast meeting then in Texas. So shout out to all my Texas friends helping you. She is here to help you break the binge drinking cycle so you can fulfill your God given purpose Alcohol coach, accountability coach, showing women how to change their relationships, their relationship with alcohol, through fitness, nutrition and a healthy mindset. And I'm all about having a healthy mindset. I am now a mental health advocate, so I'm all about this, this one podcast. I'm so excited.
Speaker 2:And maybe you are tired in your running trying to control or even stop your drinking. You want to escape those hangovers and unhealthy habits? Then Crystal is your coach, your mentor through this journey. Listen, friends, we cannot do it on our own. Sometimes we need a coach, we need somebody to hold us accountable, and today she is going to share her story with us, and I love this. She is alcohol free now and she coaches with a biblical approach so women can break free for good through Jesus Christ. So I'm so excited, crystal, thank you for being here with us and helping us grow in 2024. So I'm so excited. So I'm going to give you the stage and I'm going to let you just take away and tell us your story. Share your story with us.
Speaker 1:Yeah, definitely. Well, I'm so happy to be here. Thank you for inviting me on the show, and so, yeah, I'll just dive right in. Obviously, my name is Crystal and you did a great introduction for me, so thank you for that.
Speaker 2:I love it that it's Crystal with an eight. I love that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, exactly. So, yeah, I mean I, like you said Crystal and I love that we have the same name too Like you said, I help women transition into a slower lifestyle and essentially really helping them create the life that they want to live and step into their God given purpose, and the way that I got here was really just going through my own journey with alcohol and getting sober and then also really finding Christ along the way, and so I used to be somebody that was a Ben's drinker. I was never physically addicted to alcohol never was drinking every single day but when I did go out to drink, I was the person that was that I really just didn't want to have just one Right, I was chasing that buzz, I was chasing that feeling of tipsy or whatever, and that really just ended up me being drunk, and so that was a cycle that I repeated really for years and I really started to experience just negative repercussions. I got my first DWI. I started just really having a lot more of regrets, like after I was drinking. I started experiencing the anxiety, as we call it, really started to feel like having depressive episodes, things like that anxiety, and but that wasn't enough for me to stop a drinking, but I started to have, like you know, these red flags, and so I went through, you know, different phases where I would take a break from alcohol, then I would go back where I would try to moderate. I was always spending so much time and energy trying to find, like this perfect concoction on what would be best for me when it came to alcohol, right, and so this went on for a while and then I ended up getting into a relationship.
Speaker 1:I was in that relationship for about 10 years, and this is really where my, like my drinking was already not healthy, but this is really where it amped up, and so I. This is when I really started realizing that I was using alcohol to cope. And so, you know, in that relationship, he was really struggling with addiction and I didn't know how to handle that. I didn't know how to deal with it, and so, really, the only tool in my tool belt that I had at that time, or that I, you know, was using, was alcohol. And so I found myself, you know, on the weekends or when we would get into argument or whatever that may be, when I just couldn't handle my emotions and my triggers and what was going on, I would reach for alcohol. And so essentially I went to alcohol for my comfort, for my peace, for my, you know, to escape really everything that really the Lord gives us access to right. That's not going to, you know, damage our bodies or put us in a, you know, bad mental state and so forth. And so I did that for a while and, like I said, I found Christ in the midst of all this and I'd already believed in God before this, but I didn't have a relationship with Christ.
Speaker 1:I didn't even know what that even meant I was. I look back and I'm like man, I was so naive but thank God the Lord loves us anyways because I just thought I thought everybody believed in God, I thought we all went to heaven, I just I was very agreed to, you know, just to Jesus and having a relationship with him, and so. But I came to a point where I was obviously lost and I really felt like something was missing. But at that point I didn't know that it was Jesus and I know this was a Holy Spirit at that time, because I really had this desire to like join a Bible study or just join something and I was like, okay, that's weird I'm having that thought but okay, you know, we'll go with it. And so I found a church at that time and the Lord really, really, really used them, you know, during my time there and just really showed me the love of Christ. I started reading the Bible and that's when I really started feeling, you know, a heavier conviction on my heart about letting go of alcohol and really letting go of that relationship. And so when I finally got that conviction and where I knew like I was like, okay, like this is God, like this is the direction I need to go, it probably took me and I don't recommend this, but it probably took me about two more years to actually make that decision.
Speaker 1:And it started with really letting go of that relationship. And you know, in my head I thought, okay, I'm gonna end this relationship and it's gonna be so much easier for me to stop drinking because he's the problem right, and so not really recognizing, like my own issues fully, like I was just so blinded because I did the relationship and, yeah, I started drinking even even more because I was dealing with that breakup and again, that was the only tool in my tool belt. Yes, I had Jesus at that point, but still, like alcohol still had a hold of me at some capacity. Even though I was not physically addicted, that still was something that I that I went to, you know. And so I started drinking even more, and one night I went out and I woke up the next day and I remember just sitting, I was sitting on my apartment floor looking out the window and for the first time in my life, I felt like I was losing control, and that was not a good feeling. Like I remember it, like it was yesterday, I felt like I was losing control and I had this thought in which, you know, I look back and I'm like I'm pretty sure this is a holy spirit, because I was already coaching at that time too.
Speaker 1:I was in entrepreneurship, but obviously not coaching in sobriety, but coaching in health and wellness, and so I already knew, like deep down, that I was meant for entrepreneurship.
Speaker 1:I was meant to, you know, make an impact and help women. And so I have this thought in my head where it was like you know, if you keep doing this, you're going to become a full-blown alcoholic and you're not going to be able to accomplish what you want to accomplish or help these women like you want to help them. And so in that moment I was like, okay, drawing a line in the sand. I had already tried to stop drinking on my own, I had already, you know, tried to moderate. I did all that for so long where it was like, okay, what I'm doing it's, it's just not enough to get me to break me through this threshold. And so at that time I let you know the people at my church, you know, they kind of knew what was going on with me and their relationship and you know my drinking habits and they really held me accountable. I hired a sober coach and then I also hired a Christian therapist.
Speaker 1:Like I just went all in because that's great yeah, I was like, clearly I need support, I need accountability.
Speaker 1:Just let me just dive into everything, because you know I need help. So that's essentially, um, yeah, from that point on, like you know, leads me to where I'm at right now. I've been, um, I've, you know I definitely don't focus on counting days, but I, you know, I do have my little app in the in the back of my phone where I've been over, um, you know, over five years at this point, sober and, you know, following the Lord for about you know seven years. And so, um, yeah, the Lord just kind of led me to where I'm at now, just helping other women, you know, break free and doing it, doing it from a biblical approach and, um, and really just in a unique way to where it's not so focused on counting days, not so focused on not drinking, but really focusing on creating the life that God has designed them for right and creating that that healthy mind and, you know, body, like, like you talked about. So that's that's me in a nutshell, wow.
Speaker 2:I love that, I love your story and I love that you just went all in. You didn't just get a coach, but you got therapy as well. And I had. That is great.
Speaker 2:And you know, when I was younger and I started very young, um, just drinking and and the partying came along with the drinking, and then the friends, um, you know, hanging out with those friends that you know that would drink, and so then I would end up drinking as well, but I always would say, crystal, I would always say I'm just gonna have one, I'm just gonna have one, and then I would have the one, and then, before I knew it, I was drunk. And then I found myself even there was times where I would wake up at people's houses that I had no clue who these people were, and so, of course, it was because of, you know, a friend that I was hanging out with, or the friends that I was hanging out with, and, um, I was always kind of ashamed to drink in my own town as well. But I also knew that I had to be careful with it, because I seen in my childhood how drinking made people angry and it would uh, it would lash out in like beatings my mom. I saw my mom getting beat and it was always after a drink, a two drinks, you know, and they're drunk. And so I knew I had to be careful and I just thank God that he opened my eyes to that and made me realize that, uh, crystal, you can't, you can't control uh, your drinking. You, it was, it is.
Speaker 2:Even now I think about that. It's too dangerous for me to drink because, um, I don't, I don't want to get to do, okay, I just I'm going to have this one drink and before I know it, I'm drinking and drinking, and drinking, and then I'm drunk, you know, I say, and a funny thing, I say, but I can't even handle my sweet tea. You know, if they keep bringing it, right, I keep drinking it. So, um, so I recognize that in myself early on, and then, and then I gave my life to Jesus, and then I was like, uh, it's just too dangerous to, and for a long time I couldn't even be around it because it was just a temptation, yeah, for me. So I love that. But tell, just tell me, okay, so we, you shared your story, but tell me, um, how long have you been a sober coach for?
Speaker 1:I've been a sober coach for, I would say, about four years, maybe coming up on four years, yeah.
Speaker 2:Wow, that's great. And tell me a little bit about you. Know what you offer within your coaching. Tell us, tell us all, because I won't, yeah, absolutely.
Speaker 2:There is a runner out there that is struggling with this. I want them to seek out. Seek out Crystal, and we'll give that information where you can find her at the end. So make sure that to stay with us. And if you're struggling with this, I want you to do that to get some help. Like, just go all in, oh, all in, just go all in, get that counselor, get that coach, and I love it. So tell me a little bit about your programs, all of us.
Speaker 1:Yeah, definitely. So I offer one on one coaching. So I offer I have a few things, but I offer one on one coaching, and that's really where you and I will obviously dive deep and you would get that customized coaching and where we really build a solid foundation in sobriety. So we really look at, okay, like, the gaps maybe that you may have in your you know sober strategy, if you will, and fill those in and really, like I said, build that solid foundation in sobriety but also build that solid foundation in Christ. And one approach that I take, which I kind of mentioned already but is we don't focus on, you know, just counting days or or or not drinking, because that really makes us just want to drink even more. Right, and so we really focus on, okay, like you know, what are your goals, what do you want to accomplish? What do you feel like the Lord is putting on your heart? Of course, alcohol is a piece of it, but if we start creating this life, we start creating healthier habits, we start focusing on life, giving things, you know, the alcohol is just going to dissipate, right. And of course, there's work that we have to do along the process, which is something that we do too. So I really help my clients learn how to, you know, navigate their emotions, navigate their triggers, set healthy boundaries, which is such a big part of this work setting boundaries with you know themselves and others. And that's essentially where, where we start.
Speaker 1:And so, depending on you know, how long they're with me, because I have mentorships that are as little as four weeks, and then I have my longer mentorships, which are 12 weeks or even six months, so really just depends, kind of like, where people are at. And so you know some people, when they come to me, they're either already kind of like walking in their sober lifestyle and just kind of need help on, kind of okay, like I'm still dealing with, you know, maybe the same habit, but with something else. Right, I see a lot of people where they'll go from okay, I'm sober, but now I'm, you know, eating all this sugar and I'm using, you know, food, as you know, almost like a drug now, and so you want to break that quote unquote cross addiction or cross addictive behavior. So I really work on those type of things. But it really is my goal, you know, is for these women to fully, you know, fully break free, like not just say, oh yeah, I'm sober from alcohol or I'm sober from XYZ, but to truly be walking in the freedom of Christ. Because, like I just mentioned, you know you can be sober from alcohol, but do you actually have a sober mind? Are we just switching from one habit to the next? And so that's what that's what, like, one of my main goals is. And then if you work with me long enough or you know longer, longer than you know, the four weeks or six weeks then we really start working on. Okay, you know, what mission does God have on your heart? Let's start working on that and, again, creating that life and those habits and that being that woman that is going to have that you're going to have to be to accomplish that, and so that's essentially what my one on one looks like and what my coaching encompasses as a whole.
Speaker 1:I also just opened up a membership called Made to Rain, and I'm super excited about it. It's only been opened up a week, but this is somewhere which is, I feel like, would typically be something that is for somebody that just kind of wants to get started, you kind of want to just stick your toes in. So it's kind of like a learning hub, and as soon as you go in there. There's about what this point. There's over 30 different trainings that will help you solidify your foundation and sobriety, a sober mind. You know.
Speaker 1:I even just added I'm starting to add like a leadership series. You know obviously all about Jesus and there too, but it's really just a place where you can learn and grow with others, and there's also live elements to it. So I have guest speakers, I do live Q&As each week, things like that, just so I still have that element of support for people. But that's those are the two main things that I have right now.
Speaker 1:As far as, if you need support when it comes to living an alcohol free lifestyle, and then I would also say the membership is for you. If you're, if you're already sober, you kind of just want to be plugged in and kind of just you know, work on that maintenance, that's a great place to be as well. And then I do have one other, one other option which is a mastermind, which is, you know, fairly new this year, but it's something that got put on my heart which with this you already have to be sober. But this is really for women that are either entrepreneurs or they again, like, have that mission on their heart and they want to be with other women that are, you know, running towards that. So we're not running away by running towards God.
Speaker 2:I love that. Yeah, so that's awesome yeah.
Speaker 1:So so that's those are the three options I have. So I really I just really wanted to be a part of, you know, every part of their journey, if I could be, and so that's kind of how I laid those, those offers out.
Speaker 2:Well, I love that because you know, running away is it always, you know, and in my, in my story is always running away for some from something, but ultimately running away from God and as long as we run away and we're not running towards God and what he would have us to do, and then a lot of times in running away from God, I was still running towards something you know. So I love that and I love that you know, not just you hold them accountable, but then you have a group of people and I love meeting new people you know through the podcast and then they become our friends and even our accountability. You know partner.
Speaker 2:Yeah, exactly, and connections are made, and so I love that. Yeah, that is great. I'm so excited for you in just five years and I mean that's something to celebrate. Crystal, yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah one day. If it's one day or five days or 10 days, you know, I think that's great, and maybe there's somebody out there listening and thinking I don't really have a problem, you know, I just. But if it's keeping you from your relationship with God and growing in your relationship with God, that's a problem, it becomes a problem. And so I did a podcast just recently. What must be, what must go, what must be let go or cut off so that you can grow? And if it's keeping you from growing in your mental health or in your relationship with God, it must go, it must go. Nothing needs to stand in between you and God, and so I love it.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. And if that's, if drinking, is that something, then it must go. It must go, because otherwise I mean, I don't know, you tell me what you think too. We can't grow. We can't grow in our life if it's affecting our relationship with God, our mental health.
Speaker 1:You know, yeah, yeah, it just stifles our growth. And I feel like sometimes, you know, our own mind chatter can kind of, you know, stop us from moving forward, because it's like, especially if you're in that in-between stage, like I was, because it's like you're a binge drinker but you're not physically addicted, right, you're not drinking every single day, maybe you can go months and days without drinking, but when you do drink, you go, you know, from zero to a hundred. And so I get that mind chatter, because that's exactly where I was. But really, like you said, just keeping it simple, like one, is it, you know, pulling me away from God or is it pushing me towards God? And also, looking at one thing that I always tell my clients too like, what are your core values? Like, if you say, like, if you say, okay, I value, you know, my faith, I value energy, I value my health, I value my family, does alcohol fit with those core values? Because I think that'll even kind of shut down the chatter too, and if the answer is no, then it's like, well, then we need to switch our actions to match, like what we actually say, that we value in the kind of life that we want, you know, want to live in.
Speaker 1:You know, in most of us, like we need that reality check, even myself, right when I have to. You know, look at myself and be like, okay, are my actions actually matching Like what I say? My goals are what is aligned with Christ, and so forth. And then I have to pivot and so it's really just also just being honest with yourself and being like, okay, like, does this really match up, or am I just kind of leaving the you know the door open, kind of making excuses to? You know, allow ourselves to be honest and take accountability and responsibility for that and just, you know, shift what needs to be shifted. And then that's where, you know, people like me come in to help you make that shift.
Speaker 2:I love that I do, Christo, that is so good, and thank you for sharing all of your wisdom with us today. And I just pray I do pray that God will just show his favor on you and your coaching. And if there is somebody in your group and that they are running from God, and maybe just the first step is just getting clean, you know, being sober. And then the next step is just surrendering to God and saying you know what, I can't do this without you, God, I cannot be sober, I can't continue to be sober without you, Jesus. And then I pray that they will just give their life, their heart, and then they would go from running to no more running in their alcohol and their drinking. And you know, and I know, and I know that I was a Southern Baptist preacher's wife, so you know we were all about no drinking, no drinking, no drinking. And that's okay, that's okay.
Speaker 2:But for me, you know, it was more than just being the pastor's wife, it was. I knew the danger that came with it. I knew that it was separating me from my God. I knew that and so it had to go. And then what it led to as well, it just wasn't that I was drinking. It was what it led to as well the parting, the sex, the you know, and the separation between me and my God. And so, yeah, that's that's why I said you know, no more running God, I'll give it all to you, Even even that, you know.
Speaker 1:Yeah, exactly yeah, and it's like you said. It's looking at that and just being like, okay, where is this one drink actually going to leave? Because if it's not good, like, play play out the tape.
Speaker 2:Yes, yeah, that's right. Yeah, yeah, absolutely Well, I thank you so much for being here today and I do want to ask you if, out of all that you've shared, what is the one thing that you want the runners that are that are listening, that you want them to know, to remember from this podcast.
Speaker 1:Okay, one thing let's see here. I'm like I'm mind-strew a blank. I'm like there's so many.
Speaker 1:I know, I know right, like how do I pick? Yeah, no, I guess I would say I feel like definitely in the sobriety space, like I mentioned. It can be kind of portrayed that you have to be on this like perfection spectrum, right, like you were counting the days. We're so focused on not drinking, and if you are feeling like you have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, you know that the Holy Spirit has put it on your heart. Allow yourself to just go on this adventure with God. And maybe it's not so much looking at okay, like how many days can I get under my belt, but maybe it's just looking at it as like, okay, can I embark on this new experience of being sober. What does that look like for me? Like really looking at it as an adventure and looking at it as like a new adventure to find this new freedom.
Speaker 1:Right, because I believe that the lens that we look through is very important. And sometimes, when it's so heavy like, oh my gosh, like I need to have all these days under my belt, so I need to just not drink great, it puts this heaviness on us. And that's also not God, right, god is light and he gives us grace and he's going to walk with you along this journey. So just really looking through a different lens of oh my gosh, I have to do this. You're really looking at it through the lens of you know what? Like, what can this look like? Like, how can this make my life better? And and just you know, like you said, like surrender to God throughout the process and give yourself grace, because it's not, it's not going to be perfect. My journey has not been perfect, was not perfect, you know either.
Speaker 2:Every day, it's an every day no more running, surrender. Every day I have to remind myself oh, crystal, you made a promise to God no more running. And when I feel like all I want to do is run, you know. And so I have to remind myself no, no more running, god, no more running. I surrender, I surrender. And I do want to say that those that that have struggled with their drinking and then cannot forgive themselves even in their past and what it led to, as for me, I've got this verse right here on my whiteboard and is a forget the former things. Do not dwell on the past. Today is a new day, a brand new day with God. Every day, you know, say today, lord, I messed up, yesterday, you know, and whatever. Maybe it's more than just drinking, but today, lord, I'm going to go from running to no more running, I surrender and just start new and forgive yourself and just make peace with your past. And and just, you know, hey, I got this, I could do this, but remember, we need help sometimes and reach out to Crystal. Reach out and I just cannot express that enough, you know is get that coach. And I'm finding, even in the podcast world, in things that I'm doing. I can't, I can't figure this out myself. I need help. Yeah, yeah, and I think it's so much time. Yes, you know, and something that I want to.
Speaker 2:I wanted to share as well as my children. When they were younger, they would go to friends house and and of course we, we made sure that they were going to somebody's house that we trusted. Yeah, but I remember my son asking me Mom, why don't we drink they? They drink, why don't we drink, you know, and in, instead of telling them oh, what they're doing is wrong, it's horrible, they shouldn't be doing. That. You know, I shared them, you know, shared with my children my story and how. You know, it's just for me, it was just so dangerous. And even one drink.
Speaker 2:And then, growing up, in that I knew that I did not want to be a part of that, and so I never condemned someone else, but I always shared them with them, my story.
Speaker 2:And then, even today, they're young adults and I'm always, just like you know, as a mom, you don't want to say Don't, don't, don't, please, and I do that sometimes, but you want to be like be careful, just know your limits, and if you see that this is something that you cannot handle or it leads to something that is unhealthy, then be very careful, because in my life it always led to something more that you know that I well and ultimately sin and separation from God, and so, but anyways, I wanted to share that and wanted to share that with others as well.
Speaker 2:That you know. We don't want to condemn you, because that's not why Jesus came, but if you want and you need help, that's what and again and I've been saying this this year because I do want this is, you know, if you need me to connect you to Crystal, I will be that bridge and I will connect you. So, but before we go, crystal, is there any verses that you want to share for those runners that are out there that are struggling with, you know, alcohol in their life and binge, binge drinking.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I had two verses on my mind, but I think I'm just gonna share it. Well, one is in one, peter, where it's talking about being of sober mind, because the enemy prowls around like a you know, like a line ready to devour. So, yes, that one in your back pocket. But I did want to share this other verse in Isaiah 40, 31, and this one has just been so powerful for me, not even not only through my sobriety journey, but just in my life. It's always stuck out, always stuck out to me, and it says again, isaiah 40, 31, and it says but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will soar on wings like eagles, that they will run and not grow weary, and they will walk and not be faint.
Speaker 1:So I just love that verse because I feel like it has so much goodness and they're just about renewing our strength and it just I don't know, it always makes me feel so light because I'm like, okay, like soar on wings like eagles, we will run and not grow weary, right? So, just again, like it reminds me, like just giving everything to Jesus and knowing that he's gonna renew our strength, because this journey and life, sobriety, whatever, like it's not always easy, right. And so if we can lay that at Jesus's feet and remember that he renews our strength, we get our confidence, our strength, everything from him, and that we also like we have the Holy Spirit within us right, so we have those, those gifts and and so forth, like that's so, so powerful. So I hope that spoke to somebody today.
Speaker 2:Yes, I love Isaiah. I love it and I love that Isaiah tells us by, by his stripes, we are healed. That's a good one too, that is so good, and I mean, we can't we can't be healed on our own, but it's by his stripes that we are healed, ultimately. You know, so you know, before we go, I want you to share where they can follow you, where they can find you, where they can connect with you.
Speaker 1:Yeah, absolutely so. One of my main platforms is TikTok, and it's just you know my first and last name, and so I'm sure you'll put that in the show notes, and then I do have a free community on Facebook as well, so that would be a really great place to kind of like you know, just dive into and go from there and all my information's on those both those platforms as well.
Speaker 2:Okay, okay, so they can find you and email you and find all that information on. On that you know I haven't yet figured out TikTok. I know I need to figure it out. Yeah, I'm so old. That's why you know my family are funny. My family are my children's.
Speaker 1:It's fun. It gets a little weird sometimes, but yeah, it's fun. The organic reaches is really awesome, so I get to get connected with more people a lot easier, so yeah yeah, and share your story with more people.
Speaker 2:Yeah, exactly yeah. And yeah, to reach more people. Alrighty well, crystal, I thank you so much and would you can relate us out in a word of prayer?
Speaker 1:Oh, yeah, of course.
Speaker 1:Okay, all right, god, I just thank you for today, god, I thank you for Crystal and just this podcast and all the work that she is doing.
Speaker 1:God, and I just pray for everybody under under the sound of my voice, lord, and I just pray that you would continue to guide them, lord, that you would continue to help them have a sober mind, lord, and that you would help anybody that's struggling, god, with this, that may be questioning Lord, that you would just lay the path straight for them, lord, that you would lead them to the right mentors, to the right help that they may need in this season, lord, and I just pray that you would just remind them of who they are, god, and who's they are, lord.
Speaker 1:I pray that I pray against any lies of the enemy, god, and I pray that you would replace that with your truth. And I just pray, lord, for her, to protection over everybody here that is listening, lord, and I pray that you would just even give them, or just a vision of where you're taking them, god, a vision of their purpose, a vision of the mission that you have for them, god, and that you would remind them that, that you created them for a purpose and on purpose, lord, and we just give you all the glory and all the praise. It's in Jesus mighty name I pray amen.
Speaker 2:Amen, all right. Thank you, crystal, so much and of course I will share where you can follow, crystal, and in the show notes and all that good stuff. So thank you and until next time, friends. Thank you, hey, don't forget you can sign up for the no More Running email list at info at crystalloycom and make sure to like, share and follow. We would love for you to leave a review for the podcast. This helps us reach even more women who might find themselves running as well. God Run yeah.